RENA KATSUMATA2021年1月14日4 分Protecting the Learning Environment of University StudentsDue to the spread of COVID-19, many university students have become dissatisfied with two issues: The prohibition of face-to-face classes...
NAO KAZUMA2021年1月14日4 分Japanese Travel Industry in the Era of COVID-19October , 2020 Nao Kazuma The spread of COVID-19 has had a major impact on the demand for tourism worldwide. On July 22nd, the Japanese...
SAORI KIKUTANI2019年2月27日3 分The Current State of A Pet SuperpowerSaori Kikutani February 27, 2019 Do you think how many animals are euthanized per year in Japan? Unfortunately, euthanasia is the only...
SAE KANAZAWA2019年2月27日4 分Poverty Problem of Single Mother FamiliesSae Kanazawa February 27, 2019 In Japan, poverty level of single-mother family is one of the serious social problems. There are about 52...
MISA OGURA2018年7月26日3 分Trap of Regional Revitalization PolicyJuly 26, 2018 Misa Ogura Currently in Japan, local revitalization is a buzz word. Yokosuka city is not an exception. Yokosuka city is...